









科罗拉多居民注册会计师隐私政策 最后更新生效日期:2023年12月20日


本注册会计师科罗拉多州居民隐私政策(“注册会计师隐私政策”或“政策”)补充了太平洋牙科服务公司(“PDS,” “we,” “us,或“我们的”) 隐私通知 且仅适用于作为科罗拉多州居民的消费者(“消费者”或“您”).


We adopt this notice to comply with the Colorado Privacy Act of 2023 (“CPA”). CPA对处理科罗拉多州居民个人数据的企业规定了具体的义务. 本CPA隐私政策中使用的术语, 例如个人资料, 消费者, 第三方和服务提供商, 与CPA中定义的含义相同吗. 根据CPA, Pacific Dental Services is required to provide 消费者 a notice, 在收集个人资料时或之前使用, that identifies the categories of personal data that may be collected, 表示这种收集的目的, 并提供了与这些数据相关的消费者权利.



在收集时间或之前, 你有权收到国外正规买球app官方版下载惯例的通知, including the categories of personal and sensitive personal data to be collected, 收集或使用这些信息的目的, whether such information is sold or shared and how long such information is retained. 你可以在下面找到这些细节.



CPA为科罗拉多州居民提供个人数据权利. CPA将个人数据定义为“与已识别或可识别的个人相关联或合理关联的信息”.” Personal data does not include “de-identified data or publicly available information".



根据产品或服务以及我们与您的关系,我们会以多种方式收集或生成您的个人信息.  例如:

  • Your contact information, such as your email, home address, ZIP code, and phone number. Such items are collected when you sign up for our contests or promotions.
  • Your public information, such as comments or reviews that you post on our site. 我们还收集您公开发布的请求或问题.
  • Your demographic information, such as your postcode, preferences and interests.
  • 其他信息, 比如你的位置, 您的IP地址, 您正在使用的浏览器/设备/硬件, 您的GPS位置以及您在我们网站上访问的页面. 当您访问我们的数字广告时,这些项目将被收集.
  • 当您通过网站与我们沟通时, 通过电话, 通过社交媒体或其他平台, 我们收集通信内容, 您与我们国外正规买球app官方版下载的渠道信息,我们也可能通过监控或其他方式间接收集您的个人信息, such as recording telephone calls and collecting phone metadata and digital information.
  • 当您与网站或我们的广告互动时, 我们使用cookie收集数字信息, 网络信标, 页面标签, pixels or similar tools that we and our service providers and other third parties have set.
  • 当你通过社交媒体平台与网站互动时, 我们收集帖子的副本和其他信息, 例如帐户ID或用户名.

我们需要这些信息来了解您的需求,并为您提供相关转介的牙科诊所列表. Once you have selected a new dentist, we will share your information with your dentist.


了解更多信息, 请参阅下面的个人信息类别列表, 随着一些描述和例子,我们可能会收集到以上所述的每个过程:

  • 个人标识符: 这包括姓和名, 以前的名字, address, 电话号码, 唯一的个人标识符, 和签名.
  • 设备和在线标识符及相关信息: 这包括在线标识符, 互联网协议(IP)地址, 电子邮件地址, 帐号用户名, 流动/无线号码, 社交媒体简介, 唯一的设备标识符和序列号, 以及其他设备信息.
  • 人口统计信息: 这包括出生日期和家庭收入数据.
  • 因特网、应用程序和网络活动: 这包括发送给我们的短信或电子邮件, 点击流/在线网站跟踪信息, 以及与用户活动相关的数据(例如.g.、浏览器访问和cookie或其他类似技术).
  • 位置数据: We may receive information about your location and your mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device; in addition, 在某些情况下, location information can be derived from 您的IP地址 or through your wi-fi connection.
  • 感觉数据: This includes audio data, such as a recording of your voice when you call our contact center. Although you don’t have to supply any of the personal information we request, 如果您不这样做,我们可能无法向您提供产品或服务,或者您可能无法与我们的网站互动.




  • To keep an internal record for our reporting and analysis purposes.
  • 为您提供相关内容, 材料, 提供了, programs and to administer your participation in our contests or sweepstakes.
  • To respond to your requests or questions that you may provide via our social sites.
  • To improve our sites, products, services and other marketing purposes.
  • To protect our company, other patients and our assets and sites and for other security measures.
  • To remain in communication with you with any products or services you requested.
  • From time to time, we may also 使用 your information to contact you for market research purposes. 我们可能会通过电子邮件、电话或信件与您国外正规买球app官方版下载.
  • 我们可能会将您的信息提供给我们的第三方服务提供商用于营销或促销目的.
  • 根据您过去的在线活动向您定向投放广告.
  • 客户信息保留是无限期的,并与选定的第三方服务提供商和支持的牙医共享.
  • 支持我们的内部业务运作, including assessing and managing risk and fulfilling our legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Complying with contractual obligations, relevant industry standards, and our policies.
  • 通知您有关网站、产品和政策的变更.
  • Performing analytics concerning your 使用 of the products and sites, including your responses to our emails and the pages and advertisements you view.
  • Mitigating fraud and enhancing the security of the sites and our online services.
  • 管理机构风险.
  • 操作, evaluating and improving our business (including developing new products and services; improving existing products and services; and performing accounting, 审计及其他内部职能).
  • 验证您的身份, 包括在通过网站安排约会和财务申请流程时以及之后.
  • 质量控制和培训的目的.

Any information collected is disclosed to you here and is 使用d as permitted or required by law. We also abide by the set of rules prescribed to 使用 by Google AdWords: http://support.google.com/adwordspolicy/answer/143465.


我们也可能将您的个人资料用于我们在您提供时披露的任何其他目的, 或者当我们收集, your information and other purposes permitted by applicable law. 我们也可能将我们以汇总或匿名方式收集的数据用于各种业务目的, 在适用法律法规允许的情况下.


我们必须识别我们为运营目的与第三方共享的个人数据类别. We disclose the following categories of personal data for operational purposes: personal identifiers; device and online identifiers and related information; demographic information; internet, 应用程序, and network activity; location data; sensory (audio data)



  • 当您自动报名参加比赛或促销活动时,或者当您注册到我们的任何网站时.
  • Through tracking tools, such as cookies, tags and other technologies.
  • 我们的合作伙伴, 比如Smile Generation Financial, 我的微笑牙科计划™, and our trusted dental offices will provide us with information that you voluntarily give them. We may also 使用 information associated with your social media account, e.g., your name, 使用rname, 电子邮件地址, gender, profile picture, etc. 如果您使用网络工具分享我们的社交内容,我们也可能收集您的朋友或家人的信息.
  • 您提供给与我们有合同关系的第三方的任何信息,例如.g., social media, digital display media (banner ads), and any other advertising partners.



  • Our third-party service providers, including Google, show our ads on sites across the internet.
  • 请注意,第三方可能会使用cookies, 网络信标, 以及类似的技术,从我们的网站收集或接收信息,并使用这些信息提供测量服务和目标广告.
  • 另外, 请注意,Facebook也可能使用cookie, 网络信标, 以及类似的技术,从我们的网站收集或接收信息,并使用这些信息提供测量服务和目标广告.


科罗拉多州法律要求我们描述某些个人数据的披露,我们得到了有价值的考虑. Colorado law treats such disclosures as “sales” even if no money is exchanged.

To the extent that PDS “sells” your personal data (as the term “sell” is defined by the CPA), 你有权选择退出“销售”. 有关更多信息,请参阅下面的“请勿出售或共享我的个人信息”一节.



We retain personal data for various periods depending on the 自然 of the personal information, 收集和使用的目的, 基于我们的法律和道德义务. 一般, 我们保留个人资料的时间仅为完成收集目的所必需的时间. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, 我们考虑的是金额, 自然, and sensitivity of the personal data; the potential risk of harm from unauthorized 使用 or disclosure of your personal data; the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means; and the applicable legal requirements.



You have a number of legal rights when it comes to your Personal Data under the CPA. 不得因行使这些权利而受到歧视, you have the right to request that we disclose what personal data we collect from you, 我们披露您个人资料的目的, 要求我们删除该信息的权利, 有权更正不准确的个人信息,并选择不出售或共享您的个人数据, 受某些限制.



You have the right to request that we disclose what categories of personal data we collect, 使用, or sell and the purposes for which the personal data is disclosed. You may request access to the specific pieces of personal data that we have collected from you. (“知情权”)



您有权要求我们删除您的个人资料, 除某些有限的例外情况外. For example, we may retain an archived copy of your records consistent with applicable law. (“删除权”)



您有权要求我们更正我们收集的有关您的不准确的个人数据, 考虑到个人资料的性质及处理个人资料的目的. (“改正权”)

要行使上述任何隐私权,请提交一份 注册会计师申请表格 或致电888-508-2033.


Right to Opt-Out of the Selling or 分享您的个人资料

您有权选择不将您的个人数据“出售”或“共享”给我们的服务提供商以外的第三方(根据CPA的定义)。. 行使这一权利, 点击收集您的信息的网页底部的“请勿出售/分享我的信息”链接.


Right to Limit Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information

You have the right to request that we limit our 使用 and disclosure of your “sensitive data,” (as that term is defined under the CPA) to certain permissible purposes. 然而, 我们只在CPA允许的情况下处理敏感数据, and we don’t 使用 sensitive data to infer characteristics about you. Accordingly, we do not offer an option to limit further processing of Sensitive Data.




  • 名字
  • 出生日期
  • 电子邮件
  • 电话号码
  • Address

我们将使用这些信息以合理的方式验证您的身份,以便处理您的权利请求. 这些方法可能包括将您提供给我们的信息与我们已经保存的信息或通过使用第三方身份验证服务进行匹配.


You are not required to have an account with us to make a verifiable request.



我们非常重视您的隐私,并邀请您通过以下电子邮件地址与我们国外正规买球app官方版下载,如果您对您的隐私或我们的收集有任何进一步的问题或担忧, 阁下个人资料的储存及使用:


电子邮件: privacy@pacden.com